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Beware of BEKs

Today's story is one of my favorites, so get ready. I give you- the black-eyed kids or BEKs for short. (Source: Texas Hill County) BEKs...

A Trip Down Keebler Road

Welcome back! I have another story about a haunted location. Better yet, I was able to visit this place a couple of weeks ago. With that...

Another Gateway to Hell

This story combines all of my favorite things; abandoned places, graffiti, and cult activity. Thus, I give you the legend of the Seven...

Desert Caterpillars and Dead Bodies

I have a short one for you, but it's another one off my bucket list. Like most of us, abandoned locations fascinate me, and the Casa...

Just Another Portal to Another Dimension

I have a paranormal story for you this week. For some reason, I have a fascination with forests; I feel drawn to them, which only makes...

Momo of the Midwest: The Shag Carpet Addition

Okay, I thought it was about time for a light-hearted story, or at least a tale when nobody dies. Thus, I give you the story of Momo. No,...

Satanic Panic and Mr. Bundy

Honestly, when I planned topics for this week, this wasn't one of them. Nope. I stumbled across this messed up story looking at Ghost...

Zombie Road

The other day I decided that I wanted to visit a haunted location to have some footage for my posts. That was when I found Zombie Road in...

19th Century Witch Hunt: Molly Crenshaw

Hello, and welcome to the first post of The Raven! I decided to do a story close to where I lived. Through my research, I found the...

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